English Русский

Discollate - program for optimization of placing information on electronic carriers (CD, DVD, etc.).
Discollate becomes the good assistant for those people, who often writes various data on disks with fixed capacity. It will help to allocate information intended for record more effectively, saving carriers (eg, CD or DVD disk) and time. Discollate can work with folders and separate files, calculating the most felicitous combination for the greatest possible filling of the carrier, and showing result in the visual form.
Discollate is fully freeware!
-Work with folders and separate files.
-Possibility to set capacity and count of carriers.
-Possibility to collate data in manual or automatic mode.
-Visual assitant for manual mode.
-Support Unicode.
-The simple and handy interface.
Interface language: English, Russian.
Screenshot1 Screenshot2
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, or you find an error, then report it on the forum!

?Current version: (public beta 5)
Download: Discollate.zip
?Change Log:
22.04.09 (public beta 5)
+ Added assistant
+ Now it's possible to set disk for elements manually
+ Now result can be saved as text
+ Improved panels resizing method
+ Now size and position of window remember on exit
* There was no checking on duplicating when adding elements from a folder
28.03.09 (public beta 4)
+ Now elements can be grouped
+ Now elements can be added from folder
+ Now result can be viewed in external browser and saved in file
* Some minor fixes and additions
09.12.08 (public beta 3)
+ Added functions to save and open elements list
* Many minor fixes and additions
11.11.08 (public beta 2)
+ Added localization kit (with russian translation)
* Some minor fixes
24.08.08 (public beta)
First public beta release